Your tax consultancy in Hanau and Rödermark
Welcome to our homepage
Thank you for visiting us!
We offer you, our clients, a modern and holistic advisory approach. It makes no difference to us whether you approach us as a company, entrepreneur, self-employed person, employer, employee, landlord, investor, pensioner or private individual: We always have an open ear for all your questions.
Understanding your goals and working with you to achieve them is at the heart of what we do.
We place the highest value on a trusting cooperation to your complete satisfaction. It goes without saying that we never lose sight of the legal regulations, requirements and your associated legal security.
Our consulting approach is based on sound understanding and comprehensive, up-to-date knowledge. We ensure this quality through continuous further training of all our employees.
Together with you and for you, we use state-of-the-art IT solutions from which you benefit directly and sustainably.
We look forward to hearing from you and getting to know you.
New location of the Rödermark branch
We have moved to a new location in Rödermark, but almost nothing has changed for you. You will now find us in the left building of the Breidert Center. Our new address is:
Steuerkanzlei Johannes Witzel
Rödermark branch
Breidertring 104
63322 Rödermark